The Secret to Life

When it comes to life, discussions are important with people of the same wavelength. Experiences from those meaningful conversations expand our perspectives. ‘Arguments, however, is The Way For Gaining Enemies.’ While setbacks and losses are inevitable – accept that you have lost; but never accept that you have failed. Stepping out of our comfort zonesContinue reading “The Secret to Life”

Relationship is not a Battlefield

– “I’m tired of everything, I need a break.” – “From me ?” – “When I’m tired, all I need is you.” A relationship is not a battlefield. It should be a safe place, where you can be comfortable.  You deserve nothing lesser than this, from your partner. People can come with whatever modern bullshitsContinue reading “Relationship is not a Battlefield”

“Cause A Cage, doesn’t change a Bird’s desire to Fly”

“Why don’t you have Her passwords ? Are you not worried She is texting other boys ?” – If I have to be worried about my Girl tryna cheat, and spy on Her. She isn’t worth my efforts.  She is a grown-up, has a social life and I respect her for that. I trust herContinue reading ““Cause A Cage, doesn’t change a Bird’s desire to Fly””

The Solitary Art of Self-Creation

“Whoever uses the spirit that is in him creatively is an artist.To make living itself an art, that is the goal.” ― Henry Miller “The whole life of the individual is nothing but the process of giving birth to himself; indeed, we should be fully born when we die — although it is the tragic fateContinue reading “The Solitary Art of Self-Creation”

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