The Couple in the bus

A particularly hot afternoon today, I was on the bus. Sitting right in front of us were a couple. I hadn’t assumed they were a couple, until I noticed a few things which made me smile to myself.

The boy had his little finger tucked inside the girl’s palm. A quiet squabble over something, the finger comes off. The finger now turns into a hand that rests on the boy’s forehead and the next minute, I see the girl trying to cover him from the glaring rays of the sun by lending her handkerchief. While he lay back in his seat, She swiped out her phone to click a few pictures. Unaware, the boy lay back or perhaps, he did peek through his eyes to catch her in her deed but decided not to say anything and let her have her way.
Or, perhaps, it was evident in the way her face was, all smiles looking at him in utter adoration.

Love is one of those rare, true emotions that hurts and heals. Don’t settle for less. Whether a love lasts or not, it’s true when it’s honest and shows on your face.

The world needs a lot of love, in every form. It really holds the power to do wonders. If you find it, hold onto it.

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